I stay up late, wishing my day would never end.

Wille Frost
1 min readOct 30, 2023


Photo by Gabe on Unsplash

After a strifeful day, I fly back to my sweet nest.
Wishing to spend the rest of the day, even if that’s just under the moonlight.

With just a few hours left, I wish the night could be extended.
Allowing my tired limbs to commemorate the moments.

In the gloomy darkness, under the glittering sky,
My body gets rest, and my soul finds peace.

I wish to elongate my portion of the day.
As night stretches silently across oceans, hills, and land.

Forcing my weary body to stay up a little longer,
Hoping with the innocence of a child, That —
If I am awake, the day won't end, and tomorrow won’t rise.

I try to breathe life into my hobbies:
Learn a language, read a book, Sing a song, paint a picture,
Think and think and think, hoping the day doesn’t end.

I try and try and try, till my little energy drains
and fatigue takes over the resolve, unwittingly veiling my draggy eyes.

The loop remains unbroken as the sun rises the next day.
Yet again, I wake up to return home, strifeful.
And I stay up late, wishing the day would never end.



Wille Frost

Embracing realism, entering the third decade alone. Observing World-untouched by love's hues. Motto: live, let live. Creating words aiming to touch the readers.