Keyboard at your Fingertips

Wille Frost
2 min readJun 20, 2021

During this lockdown, I wanted to try my hand at music. Because it’s risky to walk to an institute, I had begun to search for an instrument easy to self-train. In my hunt, I found a portable keyboard called Kalimba.

Kalimba has a wooden sound body,17 tines attached to it. Upon twanging the tines in a pattern, a musical sound is produced. Every key has an alphabet and number punched on it. These letters and numbers guide you to master the instrument.

It is also accessible in customized shapes, with tines varying from 6 to 17.

Kalimba is an adaptation of South Africa’s musical instrument, Mbira. In the 1960s, Huge Tracey created Kalimba. A musical instrument, similar to Mbira, but more appropriate to the modern world.

Just like a guitar, Kalimba requires tuning. The frequency of getting an instrument tuned depends on one usage.

If you are a beginner just like me, I would suggest you, check few videos to know, what exactly you can expect from the instrument and if it fits your musical aspirations. The below link will give you a brief idea of, how does it look and how can you use it.

If you liked it and wanna give it a try, then you might need suggestions on various matters such as

  1. Material of the instrument.
  2. Quality of the instrument.
  3. Should you grow your nails or not etc.

Check out the following link to find answers to all those questions.

These instruments are now available on various online platforms other than Amazon and Flipkart. Genuine sellers can be found on Instagram, who are ready to deliver customized products.

If it is your first time crossing paths with the instrument, then welcome to the team. I hope the basic information I have provided is useful to you. Do share your views on it with me.

If you are familiar with the instrument or a professional player, do suggest better ways to use it.

See you next time.



Wille Frost

Embracing realism, entering the third decade alone. Observing World-untouched by love's hues. Motto: live, let live. Creating words aiming to touch the readers.